COMING: Final seminar on 18 November unveils emission reduction and policy recommendations

News 2020-11-04 at 16:23

Soon is the time to wrap up the work of the CWPharma project. The final seminar of the project will be held on the 18th of November 2020 (10–15 CET).

Since October 2017 project CWPharma has focused on filling the gaps of knowledge on pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea. The work of the project includes screening of a wide range of active pharmaceutical ingredients in six river basin districts to get a more complete picture of the sources, emissions and environmental concentrations of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Based on this information the project has assessed the overall emissions of pharmaceuticals and their impact on the environment in the Baltic Sea.

The project has also evaluated different emission reduction measures, such as advanced municipal wastewater treatment, improved take-back schemes and disposal for unused medicines, and environmental permitting of pharmaceutical plants.

The results of the project share the best practices of the partner countries to promote the sustainable management of APIs in the Baltic Sea Region.

Join the webinar and take the opportunity to hear about the emissions of active pharmaceutical ingredients into the Baltic Sea, their sources, environmental levels and risks, as well as the emission reduction measures available. In the webinar CWPharma project will also unveil the project´s recommendations on feasible and sustainable ways to decrease emissions of pharmaceutical ingredients.

The final seminar will be held online. Participants will receive a link to the webinar after registration in this link:

Upload the seminar Agenda: CWPharma Project Final Seminar Agenda pdf

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